20 September 2024



We offer a wide choice of cheap flights to Peru together with Peru hotels, tours and self-drive itineraries.

Peru’s treasure trail

Discovered 100 years ago, the majestic ruins of Machu Picchu will take your breath away. But Fleur Chavasse found there is a way to avoid that long daunting trek

Peru - The grandeur of Machu Picchu Peru - The Amazon treetop walkway Peru - The Rio Sagrado hotel in Urubamba

1 The grandeur of Machu Picchu 2 The Amazon treetop walkway 3 The Rio Sagrado hotel in Urubamba

THE INCA TRAIL – that difficult trek to reach the fabled city of Machu Picchu in South America’s Andes – was closed for renovation work. I was secretly relieved. No pressure to prove myself, no dire camping rations, no blisters. Instead, I caught a train and embarked upon a quite spectacular journey.

In the centre of Peru lies the Sacred Valley, the 15th-century Inca imperial heartland, with the ‘Lost City’ at its mountainous head and the former capital Cusco 50 miles downriver. Our three hour train ride followed the precipitous course of the roaring Urubamba river upstream from Cusco to Aguas Calientes, the closest access town to the ruined city.

I embarked upon a quite spectacular journey

As the steam train hugged the sides of the valley, we sank into leather seats, enjoyed a drink and marvelled at the scenery through the huge panoramic windows.

It was all so different for the explorer and academic who chanced upon the sculpted terraces and granite buildings of this lost city exactly 100 years ago.

In fact, Hiram Bingham would probably be appalled to hear of such luxury after he scrabbled on his hands and knees through dense jungle for several days to reach the site a local boy had described to him. Bingham, a Yale University professor, rediscovered the only Inca city to have survived intact following the destruction the Spanish wreaked everywhere else.

The only reason it escaped was that it was never found. In its glorious isolation it was abandoned and forgotten, taken over by the jungle until its re-discovery on July 24, 1911. No one really knows what the citadel’s function was: religious, ceremonial, residential or agricultural, although certainly all four played a part.

Our hotel had organised a young archaeology student to explain the various temples, Inca architecture and terracing that enabled them to grow so much food to power the armies that extended their vast empire.

Sadly, all the gold panels that would have decorated the Sun Temple have long gone (melted down or stolen after its abandonment), but as the sun rose we could imagine how majestic it would have looked.

The site is perched on a mountain ridge 13,650ft above sea level, so altitude sickness can be a problem for some. We were advised to chew coca leaves, drink coca tea and take an aspirin until we acclimatised. The brave can always take the option to climb the mountain of Huayna Picchu that towers over the ruins, but the site itself is fairly easy to walk around, with most of the Inca steps intact.

An unexpected encounter with a huge llama provided some amusement – particularly when he took a shine to my sister, happily trotting after her. We were grateful to rest weary feet at our hotel – Inkaterra Machu Picchu, in Aguas Calientes. Sitting in its own 12 acres of protected cloud forest, by the side of the thundering river, the aim is to immerse you in the natural environment (albeit with every mod con on hand).

Exotic orchids surround each individual villa, hummingbirds dart through trees and the swimming pools are a wonderful balm for aching muscles. But after a couple of days, it was time for our personal Peruvian trail to move on.

Before we reached Cusco, my sister and I decided to visit other spectacular Inca monuments. Our favourites were the romantic mountain-top ruins of Pisac and the striking edifice of Ollantaytambo, the remains of a fortresstemple above the old town.

An unexpected encounter with a huge llama provided some amusement

We broke our journey at the Orient Express hotel, Rio Sagrado, in Urubamba, on the green banks of the river of the same name.

A particular highlight was feeding baby alpacas and chatting to the local schoolgirls dressed in their brightly coloured traditional dress. Then it was on to Cusco. Built in the shape of a crouching puma with a fortress at its head and a temple at its heart, the former Inca capital is now a mix of impressive ancient stonework and Spanish colonial architecture.

We checked in to the Hotel Monasterio, a converted 16th-century monastery, and over lunch on the courtyard patio enjoyed some Peruvian delicacies. Marinated guinea pig and rare llama steak (we felt a little guilty) might not be to everyone’s taste, but they were delicious. Outside, the main square was filled with Andean locals in their distinctive bowler hats and colourful woven shawls selling everything from alpaca clothing to musical instruments.

The Peruvian trail had taken us to unforgettable heights

Because Roman Catholicism is still dominant in everyday life, there are more churches than you can shake a carved llama stick at. From Cusco, it’s a short plane trip east to delve into the jungle to and explore the mighty Amazon.

Our foray into the flora and fauna in this extremely biodiverse area was near the Bolivian border on the humid Madre de Dios (mother of God) river.

Inkaterra’s Reserva Amazonica jungle lodge was a blast for the senses. Accessible by river-boat and situated in a 40-mile private ecological reserve, the individual thatched suites boast every creature comfort. It’s eco-consicous, too – the buildings are made from natural materials to blend in with their environments, so we could see (and hear) frogs on the walkways.

The staff were knowledgeable and a fantastic guide, Jesus Ghlemm, took us on expeditions both on foot and by boat. We saw colourful wildlife – from giant macaws to howler monkeys high in the trees, and from hairy tarantulas with their babies to caimans prowling the water.

The treetop walkway, strung from tree to tree in the jungle canopy, was a twitcher’s dream, enabling us to see birds such as toucans and eagles at close quarters – although probably not for those who fear heights! Ghlemm answered all our many questions with patience and humour, and as an introduction to up-close exotic encounters it was an outstanding experience.

From the snowy mountain peaks to the heat and humidity of the jungle, our own Peruvian trail had taken us to unforgettable heights.

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